Crypto + Web 3 for Creatives

Crypto + Web 3 for Creatives

English | MP4 | AVC 1920×1080 | AAC 44KHz 2ch | 120 Lectures (8h 29m) | 2.51 GB

Our crypto course shows you how to code websites that interact with the Ethereum blockchain and smart contracts in a practical, real-world, no-hype, no-BS, ethical way.

Crypto is one of largest shifts in how the web works in decades… to the point where people are calling this new phase ‘Web 3’, but what is this shift and why is it happening?

Crypto lets data be completely decentralized so that there isn’t one company or service holding all the cards. If, say, Instagram shuts down tomorrow, all your Instagram data is lost forever… this does not happen with crypto as everything is permanently stored online publicly. This lets us as creatives make brand new concepts that were previously thousands of lines of complex coding much simpler (or concepts that just didn’t exist at all!). Crypto lets you remix projects like never before and for us, it’s one of the largest movements since the open source movement.

View this courses environmental and ethical policies

What you’ll learn

  • How to create your own custom NFT platform and let people mint, buy and sell directly from you
  • How to move from standard web technologies (“Web 2.0”) to Web 3 technology
  • How to create a decentralized social network that allows you to connect your digital wallet to websites, allowing you to log in without needing a back-end service
  • How to create your own digital currency for a social network where people can tip each other and have access to features based on how much of the social network’s currency they have
  • How to create your own smart contracts, test them, and deploy them to Ethereum
  • Learn how to work with React.js, Next.js, Solidity and more!
Table of Contents

1 Welcome to the Crypto + Web 3 for Creatives course
2 VS Code and running a live server
3 Explaining the HTML and CSS
4 Installing a digital wallet
5 Your Ethereum account and the blockchain
6 Adding a script to the HTML page
7 Running code on form submit
8 Only show the form if the user has a wallet
9 Show a message if no digital wallet installed
10 Creating a send function
11 Passing in the correct amount from the input
12 Connecting your site to a digital wallet
13 Async and await
14 Sending a Ethereum transaction
15 Converting from Ether to Wei with web3.js
16 Testing with the Ropsten test network
17 Testing with the Ganache app
18 Next steps!
19 Welcome to Potstop
20 Setting up our project
21 Installing Node.js and Yarn
22 Setting up with yarn install and yarn dev
23 React components and import from different files
24 Passing data into React components
25 Changing components based on data
26 Connecting to a wallet
27 Async and await with a wallet
28 useState to hold account information
29 Multiple accounts and isLoggedIn state
30 Cleaning up the code with useEffect
31 useEffect on load only
32 Adding an accountsChanged listener
33 Off-chain vs on-chain
34 Pulling in data by fetching from an API
35 Displaying answers and loading state
36 Using map to loop over answers
37 Adding tipping to each answer
38 Hiding the tip button on our answers
39 Formatting the addresses
40 Adding a Jazzicon for each account
41 Adding ENS names
42 Adding ENS avatars
43 Setting up the answers form
44 Signing our data to prove its us
45 Next steps!
46 Welcome to Prism!
47 Setting up the project with Solidity and Truffle
48 Initializing the project with Truffle
49 Truffle configuration
50 Compiling and migrations with Truffle
51 A pretend Javascript version of our smart contract
52 Setting up total and max sales
53 Making information publicly accessible
54 Adding public addresses
55 Adding a canBuy function to Solidity
56 Adding a basic buy function
57 Using require in Solidity
58 Allow functions to accept Ether
59 Splitting payments between owner and charity addresses
60 Does the user already have access to the album?
61 Using Remix to play with our contract
62 Adding Truffle tests to our smart contract
63 Testing whether the owner and charity addresses are correct
64 Testing whether payments get split between owner and charity
65 Adding our smart contract to the front-end
66 Connect button
67 Accounts on load and on changed
68 Run functions on our smart contract
69 Send transaction to our smart contract
70 Checking whether we have access to the download
71 Confirming download access on the back-end
72 Deploying to Ropsten test network
73 Last things!
74 Welcome to Planetary
75 Setting up our project
76 Setting up Truffle with Ganache
77 Using the OpenZeppelin Wizard
78 Minting a token
79 The _createPlanet function
80 Testing our smart contract with Remix
81 Setting up with IPFS
82 Pinning content with Pinata
83 Deploying our contract to Rinkeby
84 Using a metadata set standard
85 Setting up our web project
86 Pulling in the metadata via the token URI
87 Adding the OpenSea URL to the button
88 Using the OpenSea API
89 Showing if the planet is for sale on OpenSea
90 Finishing our project
91 Variation: Mirror and Arweave
92 Variation: Loot project
93 Variation: Cryptopunks
94 Variation:
95 Welcome to W-I-P
96 Project setup
97 Truffle init
98 What is a ERC20 contract?
99 Adding post and comment thresholds
100 Changing the thresholds after deploy
101 Adding canPost and canComment functions
102 Checking tests with Solidity coverage
103 Deploying to Ropsten
104 Verifying and publishing the contract on Etherscan
105 From contract to website
106 Adding a wallet component around every page
107 createContext and useContext
108 Using useState and useEffect in wallet.js
109 Cleaning up code with object destructuring
110 The Web3Modal library
111 useEffect on web3
112 Connecting to the contract
113 Fetching the balance on a live contract
114 Implementing canPost and canComment
115 Using context in other places
116 Sending $WIP via a form
117 Goverance with tokens
118 Swapping and pooling tokens on Uniswap
119 The pros and cons of a token-based community
120 Thank you!
