Angular 2 Core Concepts

Angular 2 Core Concepts

English | MP4 | AVC 1280×720 | AAC 44KHz 2ch | 3h 8m | 1.72 GB

Recipes that help you become pro at building powerful web apps with Angular 2

Angular 2 introduces an entirely new paradigm of applications. It wholly embraces all the newest concepts that are built into the next generation of browsers, and it cuts away all the fat and bloat from Angular 1. This course plunges directly into the heart of all the most important Angular 2 concepts.

This course helps you to migrate from Angular 1 application to Angular 2, familiarizes you with the Angular 2 components and covers the reworked Angular 2 form modules in depth.

What You Will Learn

  • Understand how to best move an Angular 1 application to Angular 2
  • Build a solid foundational understanding of the core elements of Angular 2 such as components, forms, and services
  • Properly implement applications utilizing advanced topics such as dependency injection
  • Know how to maximize the performance of Angular 2 applications
  • Understand the best ways to take an Angular 2 application from TypeScript in a code editor to a fully-functional application served on your site
  • Get to know the best practices when organizing and testing a large Angular 2 application
  • TypeScript in a code editor to a fully function application served on your site
  • Get to know the best practices when organizing and testing a large Angular 2 application
Table of Contents

Strategies for Upgrading to Angular 2
1 The Course Overview
2 Componentizing Directives Using the controllerAs Encapsulation
3 Migrating an Application to Component Directives
4 Implementing a Basic Component in AngularJS 1.5
5 Normalizing Service Types
6 Connecting Angular 1 and Angular 2 with UpgradeModule
7 Downgrading Angular 2 components to Angular 1 directives with downgradeComponent
8 Downgrading Angular 2 Providers to Angular 1 Services with downgradeInjectable

Conquering Components and Directives
9 Using Decorators to Build and Style a Simple Component
10 Passing Members from a Parent Component to a Child Component
11 Binding to Native Element Attributes
12 Registering Handlers on Native Browser Events
13 Generating and Capturing Custom Events Using EventEmitter
14 Attaching Behaviorto DOM Elements with Directives
15 Projecting Nested Content Using ngContent
16 Using ngFor and ngIfStructural Directives for Model-Based DOM Control
17 Referencing Elements Using Template Variables
18 Attribute Property Binding
19 Utilizing Component Life Cycle Hooks
20 Referencing a Parent Component from a Child Component
21 cConfiguring Mutual Parent-Child Awareness with ViewChild and forwardRef
22 Configuring Mutual Parent-Child Awareness with ContentChild and forwardRef

Building Template-Driven and Reactive Forms
23 Implementing Simple Two-Way Data Binding with ngModel
24 Implementing Basic Field Validation with a FormControl
25 Bundling Controls with a FormGroup
26 Bundling FormControls with a FormArray
27 Implementing Basic Forms with NgForm
28 Implementing Basic Forms with FormBuilder and formControlName
29 Creating and Using a Custom Validator
30 Creating and Using a Custom Asynchronous Validator with Promises